10 Apr 2012

I is for...

Why an Investigator?

I think that I always look at everything with rose tinted glasses, whether its people, places or professions, I tend to focus on the positive aspects and can be quite romantic. This is one of those professions that I think I have romanticised in my head – believe me there are many – and this is probably the most rose tinted of them all..what? oh, the fairy…yeah, other than that one.

Too many TV shows and films and books have made me automatically assume that it would be a thrilling roller coaster ride of an adventure that every minute would be filled with new clues and discoveries and we would constantly be hot on the trail of our next find. I’m not sure that this is strictly what happens, and I have automatically leant towards the crime investigator when I could easily be looking for someones missing pet. But I would like to try it and see, the truth is out there right? 

Why I would be good at this job.

I am inquisitive as opposed to nosy, and direct yet tactful...or at least that's how I think I am! I watch a lot of crime dramas and murder mysteries and think they have somehow helped me hone my deductive skills and I also have a science background so attention to detail, methodical, fact driven.

I do enjoy doing research and I love a good story and putting all the pieces together.

I work well on my own and am self-motivated when I have to be (someones paying me to be) and if you saw my first post on 1st April you will know that I am able to go unnoticed.

Why I wouldn't be good at this job.

I have quite a loud voice, am more clumsy than average and I like to wear bright colours especially red and orange (but not together!!)

I am easily distracted – there is a scene in Puss in Boots where Puss is distracted by a light moving on the ground, that’s pretty much me to a t.

I am not very observant unless I am intentionally trying to be and have often walked past family members and not noticed them.

This intrigues me, and I wonder if anyone has ever done this as a job? Or currently does? 


  1. I think all the crime shows on TV give the job of an investigator a glamorous vibe. When I read mysteries, I sometimes put myself in the shoes of the investigator/detective, and that's how I get my little fix.

  2. A great word for the challenge, I love to watch Investigator programmes on TV. Enjoyed your post and absorbing to read.


  3. Considering my dad was a cop for 21 years, I'm not a fan...I'd much rather watch them on tele, preferably in British form! But they are some of my favorite shows!

  4. I think I'd be good at this. I can be super sneaky and am very observant of goings on around me. But, I tend to laugh at the worst times and that might not work here.

  5. Evening All! (see what I did there?)

    Thanks for you comments

    Sylvia: I tend to read more crime fiction and thrillers than any other genre -so I am totally on the same page with that! ;) As long as I get to wear a mac and be a grumpy old b*stard, I'll be happy.

    Jenn3128: What a double act we would make! It might work, people might just think you're laughing at me tripping over my own feet!

  6. Yeah I don't know. I love investigators on t.v. but in reality, I think it's a seedy sort of job. Definitely not one I'd want.

  7. i do love investigator type characters:)
    Happy A-Zing!

  8. i used to want to be a pi when i was a kid---but i don't think i would like it in reality!

  9. haha Kate, I remember that scene where Puss chases around the light. :D
    PI..i'm not sure, I love wearing neon colours. :D would be easily noticed. And very impatient. I'm sure I'd throw up my hands when the clues don't lead them where I want them to.

  10. I once knew an investigator who spent most of his time in the local bar...

  11. I also wear rose colored glasses and tend to be quite easily fooled so I don't think I could ever be an investigator!

    Love your job posting!

  12. I'm a mom...investigating comes with the territory:) Really like your blog theme. Wonder what other jobs I've done without getting paid:)

  13. Hey there, found your blog via the A to Z challenge. This post put a smile on my face, because I can still remember reading every single Nancy Drew book when I was a kid, and secretly wishing I was her.

  14. Nutschell: Me too! I particularly love all their hang ups and quirks.

    Lynn: :)

    MJ: Loads, loads and loads more.

    Appreciate all your comments and have been loving your blogs.


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